
Thursday 13 June 2019

My funnest Moments.

On a nice fine day on Friday at school with my friends playing  outside on the hardcourt playing
touch, Exodus was teasing someone on the hardcourt, someone asked him for a Lollie but
Exodus wouldn't give him one.  

First, it all started in the morning where all the laughter had been heard. I got to school early in
the morning. This is when Exodus normally turns up to school. Surprisingly  I saw him dash
through the red gates and past room 11. He wasn't quite usually acting like himself.

Sooner or later Exodus acted like an egg on sugar which he was because he had loads of
packs of lollies in his pocket. He was screaming like an animal that needed to be extinct

Now, this is when he teases that someone and that someone was me, Petero Johnson “Aka the
writer’’. I was playing touch when I looked over my shoulder and stared non stop at Exodus's
lollies. I gratefully skipped over two him and asked him   “ Gee can I have one please’’.

Then Exodus pulled out a lollie out of the lolly bag and reached over to me and put his arm
out. I went to grab it so I can stuff up my mouth then going to ask for another one. “But
noooooo he didn't want to give me one and this is what he said to me’’.

“ HUT Sikkkeeee hahahahahahah”.  Lastly, he gave me one and we both laughed cheerfully
and went on with our day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi petero, i really like your awesome work keep it up.This looks like an beautiful writing you have posted.


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